All full-time students (12 credits or more) under 30 years of age and all part-time and full-time health science students and any full or part-time students while on student or other visa, including foreign exchange students attending or visiting classes as part of an academic visitation or exchange program are required to provide immunizations records.
Below are the important Immunization forms you'll need:
Please return immunization records to the Student Immunization Records Office located in the lower level of the Nickerson Administration Building.
All students enrolled in Allied Health programs including Nursing, Dental, Diagnostic Tech, Medical Assistant, Certified Nurse Aide, Medical Interpreter, and Paramedic are required to submit a physician's certification that the student has received the required immunizations.
*New Hepatitis B Titre Requirement, Fall 2018*
Beginning Fall 2018 all Health Science students need to submit a Hepatitis B surface antibody titre result. Following a negative or nonimmune Hep B surface antibody titre result, it is the student's responsibility to follow up with their healthcare provider for further instructions.
*Heplisav-B is approved as a 2 dose schedule for persons age 18 years and older, including healthcare professionals. The doses should be separated by at least 4 weeks. Please ask your healthcare provider for details.
Below are additional forms necessary for Health Science and Allied Health students:
Technical Standards can be found on the following program pages:
Shelly Thompson, Student Immunizations Records Office
Location: Nickerson Administration Building, First Floor
Hours: 8:00am–4:00pm
Phone: 774.330.4331
Fax: 508.375.4039